Saturday 18 October 2014

Small research and research methodology UK universities: A small research sample: A critical analysis on the marketing strategy of Tesco Plc


Background of the study

Profile of the Company


Purpose of the study

Research Aim and purpose
My research purpose covers the study of the current marketing strategy of Tesco and the development of the new sustainable marketing strategy to make sustainable growth and productivity of the market share as well as profitability. The additional purpose of the study is to develop a sustainable strategy to cover the global market.

Research aim:
*     The economic impact of Tesco will be explored.
*     Sustainable marketing strategy will be explained.  
*     Development of marketing strategy will be analyzed

Research objectives:

*     My research objective will be to reveal the sustainable strategic planning & strategies.
*     My next objective will be to clarify development planning as well as strategy.
*     At last the service outline will be developed.

Justification of the study

Retail industry is one of the most significant industries within UK as it contributes to the UK economy significantly through providing the daily food required daily necessities & creating large scale employment opportunity. My study will discover the potentiality of retail industry and it will disclose the sustain marketing poisoning of the retail products within the UK local market.  The global significance is included in the study as it is one of the most potential & booming business sector worldwide.  It will provide a real pictures of the social and market environmental factors which are linked to the importance of development needs of retail industry within UK which is very much significant to the UK economy. Not that but also in the global arena this study will provide significant assistance of that factor. For the expected growth and profitability Tesco will follow the sustainable development and sustainable development strategy for the marketing. They will apply this sustainable strategy to formulate both the local & international marketing strategic planning.

 Importance of the study

 My research is very important for the Tesco as this study will disclose the current market situation of Tesco. After that this will express the current marketing strategies of the organization. The recent reason of loss of market share within the local market will investigate.  This study will investigate the industrial influence of Tesco. It will specify the development needs of the organization. It will suggest the sustainable marketing strategy development of the organization.  For developing the sustainable marketing strategy for the sustainable growth within UK local market and the global market, the necessary initiatives will be identified and presented. Which governmental and environmental factors influence the retail market will be identified. This will help to formulate the trends of these factors. This will help to contribute more in the UK economy. This will help to develop the sustainable marketing strategy (Hannah, 2000).

 Literature Review

In the literature review, the recent researches which are related to the recent study will be described in these sections of research done by various authors. I will describe different marketing related theoretical descriptions


1.1 Probable specifications formulation and recording

1.2 To identify the factors that contributes to the process of research project selection

Goals of Research: The research must have the specific goals of it which will show the effectiveness of the research for the specific organization to which it is being done. The main goal for my study is to develop the sustainable marketing strategy to support the lickings of the current marketing strategy of Tesco.  The specific date for the project is absent and the research will serve the specific delivery system. To establish & accomplish the goal they will design the different strategy or system.

Collection of Data: in the research, the research data collection is very much important. The more the data will be accurate the results of the more the result of the research will be perfect. To make the proper data collection the researchers usually use two types of data collection methods like direct and indirect. In direct data collection the researcher will go to the sour4ces of data physically to collect the data which may be very costly but the data which will be collected will be more accurate. In the indirect data collection method the researcher will not go to the different data sources physically but they will collect data from several sources which are already published within printed and other form.

1.3 Undertake a critical review of key references

According to Franklin, (2005), in UK as well as all over the world the retail industry is one of the most significant sectors. Not only that but also he said that the most booming sector within UK at present is the retail industry which successfully avoided the recession. The he shown that fast food is booming business in the UK
In accordance with Forsyth, (2012), the retail industry highly influences the UK economy as it is contributing a significant amount to the total GDP of the country.
Consistence with (2005), In UK, the retail sector is creating a significant amount of employment which a significant influence to the development of the UK economy. For the local and global market it is one of the most important sectors to provide a sustainable economic growth.

1.4 Produce a research project specification


1.5 Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification

Sales Plan Creating: The first job for creating marketing strategy is to accurate identification of the best suited market for organization: That’s why for formulating a marketing strategy Tesco will find out a suitable market & it will make some study to confirm the suitability for the product of Tesco within this market. To formulate the sustainable marketing strategy the organization will do some combinations like following:

ü  Goals for Sales: As the first state the Tesco will formulate the sales target for the organizational revitalization through the sustainable strategy. For formulating the sales target the organization for the first time will analyze the current state of their selling. They will fix that to be in the growth and in the leading position in the market where they will be. Then they will fix that their expected selling units within a fixed time period.  
ü  Activities for Selling: At his stag Tesco will identify the specific activities regarding to the sales target which will take the Tesco within the prospected target to sales. These activities will be in an arranged form to support the sales goals of the organization within UK.
ü  Target customers: At this stage the organization will fix the target market where they intend to sale their product to have a sustainable loyalty of the target customer.
ü  Timelines: Now Tesco will fix the time scale to gain the target for the sales. They will strictly follow the time scale to cover the planning.

Build a sustainable Market: Now Tesco will go for the formulation of the sustainable market for the organization. To make a sustainable market they will provide the extensive services for the customers. This will create a new impact for the organization among the customers. They may provide improved delivery quality for the customer which makes them differentiated from the immediate competitors like Sunbury, ALDI etc. Not only will that Tesco formulate additional package sales service for the customers to chess the discounting strategies of the competitors. They will consider making the target market the global economic poor conditions.  The customers are moving toward to spend less as their income has lessened. For that they will make a new dimension of low cost leadership strategy for their marketing to build a new stable segment of customers. They will use an improved quality of services to serve the customers. For that reason they will enhance their product range. Not only that but also they will use the best technologies and the systems to support the customers to make them highly loyal to the organization through the superior services. The will enhance their discounting packages and direct selling through the home delivery services and closer extended placement of the stores of the organization.
Develop new markets: Tesco will not only enhance the sustainability of the current market but also they will create the new market for their products. They will make different strategies to capture the untouched market segments within UK as well as the global arena. UK is a red ocean for the Tesco as there are different competitors for the organization. To create new market they will consider the cutthroat completion and the economic segments of the UK demographics. To make the global expansion they will follow the blue ocean strategy for the formulation of their marketing strategy.  Make the new market they will do following activities:
ü  Proper consumer recognition
ü  Preparation for entering in the new market and market segment
ü  Clearly specify the target market for the prospected steps.
ü  Patient will be under consideratio


2.1 Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis

2.2 Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with het agreed specification and procedures

According to Ashley, (1987), the most important factor for the research paper is to receive the prospected investigation regarding the specifications and the procedures. It will help to device a sustainable improvement policy or strategy for the Tesco locally and globally which can provide the Tesco the best way to be the success leader in the retain market. These researches will not only make benefitted the Tesco but also it will devise a sustainable development and growth opportunity for the retail market for UK which will contribute significantly on the economic growth of this country.  This will devise a sustainable strategic specification and the procedures for Tesco which will enable the organization to reach in their targeted goals and productivity.





2.3 Record and collect relevant data where appropriate





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Is the product line of Tesco satisfactory for serving the customers?










Is the current situation of Tesco to serve the customers adequate?










Does the current strategic situation require improvement?










Is there any requirement to extend the product line or services?










Is it required to alter the overall marketing strategy of Tesco?











3.1 Use appropriate research evaluation techniques

In accordance with Entrepreneurs, (2012), there are different techniques to evaluate the research. For evaluation of my study on Tesco, I have   first time identified the point where to start. Here I have studied the current strategic marketing situation of Tesco & then I tried to develop the suggestion for the development of a sustainable marketing strategy for Tesco. Then I have evaluated the different approaches which I used. Then I have evaluated questions. To collect data I have collected the data through the qualitative methods of data collection in numeric reform, then analyzed it, then developed findings & documented plus presented them in graphical way.  Then I have considered the budget of the research.

3.2 Interpret and analyze the results in terms of the original research speciation

3.3 Make recommendations and justify areas for further


4.1 To use an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of the research to an audiences

Outcomes of the research based on the Tesco are marketing strategy:
*     New-fangled market strategy will be devised
*     New sales goal introduction
*     Formulating new sales objective
*     Formulating strategies to identify the accurate customer segments
*     Formulating the development of the overall marketing strategy
*     Exploring the new market for Tesco locally and globally.


1)    Retail Economics, (2012). The market leader of retail economic analysis. Available at: (accessed 25 may, 2013)
2)    Bloomberg Businessweek, (2013).Tesco plc (TSCO) Details. Available at:  (accessed 25 may, 2013)
3)    Ashley, D. B., Lurie, C. S., and Jaselskis, E. J. (1987). "Determinants of Construction Project Success," Pro Mgmt. J., (18)2, 69-77
4)    American Institute of Architects (1975). American Institute of Architects Task Force Report on Design-Bid-Build, American Institute of Architects
5)    American Institute of Architects/Associated General Contractors (1994). AIA/AGC Recommended Guidelines for Procurement of Design-Build Projects in the Public Sector, American Institute of Architects/Associated General Contractors.
6)     Cushman, R. F., and Taub, K. S. (1992). Design-Build Contracting Handbook, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y.
7)    Blanca, A. J. (1988). Cost Effective Design-Build Construction, McGraw-Hill, New York, N.Y
8)    Cooper, C., Fletcher, J., Gilbert, D and Wan hill, S (1998) Tourism Principles and Practice, Pearson, Essex.
9)    Hannan, T. H. and Mc Dowell, J. M. (1984) “The Determinants of Technology Adoption: The case of the Banking Firm”, The RAND Journal of Economics, Vol 15.pp.328-335
10)Entrepreneur, 2012. “Research project plan” (Online) available at: > (Accessed on 14 May 2013)

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