Saturday 18 October 2014

Assignment on managing finance, information and knowledge: For UK students

Through this assignment, I am here to forecast cash flow of newly established consultation firm. Importance of working capital, the contribution of the information technology to the environmental scanning and benchmarking will be discussed critically. Here, the relation between organisational & competitive advantage will be critically analyzed.


1.     a cash-flow forecast for three years ending 2015 based on the forecast data provided below, you must also calculate the start-up funding required if the business is to avoid having an overdraft during these three years
Forecast data for the new consultancy business: 


Number of administrative staff
Number of consultants
Fee (income) £’000s
Capital expenditure £’000s
1. Administrative staff costs are forecast at £27,500 per person in 2013.
2. Consultant staff costs are forecast at £50,000 per person in 2013.                                       
3. Both of these staffing costs are expected to rise at the rate of 3% per annum thereafter.
4. Consultancy expenses are forecast as £25,000 in 2013. These expenses are semi- variable with fixed costs of £20,000 per annum and the variable costs increasing in proportion to the fee income per annum thereafter.
Start-up funding
Cash inflows
Cash outflows
Net Flow
Cash at the end of the year

·       If the consultancy firm wants to avoid the overdraft at the end of the first year it will require minimum £ 1397500 start-up funding.
·       If the company wants to avoid overdraft at the end of the second year it will require minimum £ 722425 start-up funding.
·       If the company wants to avoid overdraft at the end of the third year it will require no start-up funding.
·       But if the sequence of 3 years is consider at whole it will not require any start up funding as the end of 2015 shows positive balance in the forecast.


2.     The importance of working capital management to the profitability of the business.
 Consistent with ( Allen, 1977), The cash which keep on hand for day to day purpose of a business is known as working capital. This cash can be used to bottom usual and unforeseen expenses. Good working capital management will protect a company’s fiscal height and assist to construct its business. It is essential for growing income and creates it easier to get business loans and attract probable investors.
Accordingly (Stewart, 1996)) to bring stability in existing assets against liabilities is the main aim of an operational capital management plan. This helps companies to uphold its intended charges like salaries and short term financial debt. If a company’s current liabilities are more than its current assets, it means a unconstructive operational capital. Various techniques like hiring a good accounts manager who knows and takes care of working capital management help business to run efficiently.
Consistent with ( Allen, 1977), By getting a short term loan the company can augment the operational capital with proper management of exceptional revenues in case of shortage. By modifying its investment tactics and by managing profit efficiently the company’s growth rate can be augmented with cash .In order to make out the accurate time to renovate the company’s current assets into cash having good working capital management is significant. This is called the cash conversion period. A high working capital put aside the company from awful circumstances involving creditors, fixed assets cannot be sold in a short period of time. A good reputation in the market is created for the ability to manage unforeseen expenses .Working capital management always makes sure sufficient cash flow in a business.

This permits companies to pay their liabilities without delay and more significantly defends them liquidation. Companies have the benefit of a constructive working capital which permits them to take on higher risks in business with a proficient working management. In order to handle their working capital companies need to analyze their current assets and liabilities on a regular basis.
  A successful working capital management can face emergencies caused by market changes and competitor activities. Good cash flow is always an asset to a company’s growth and success.
3.     Information documents for prospective clients which detail:
Along with (Armstrong, 2001), To comprehend the benefits of knowledge management it's significant to understand accurately what knowledge management is really .This term is now old enough, and consigns to the aptitude of comprehending and handling knowledge within an organization.
Knowledge typically refers to individual knowledge and that shared by a group, and knowledge management is how that information is arrived at, shared and analyzed. Better decisions, particularly, at the working level can be taken through careful application of information & knowledge. It’s not just the sum total of the day-to-day decisions made at the front lines of an organization but the strategies that are made or break at the top of  a company.
 By spending less time on information gathering and more on the inventive procedure better decisions can be achieved. Decision support systems are still driven by the ability to find relevant information and help with the analysis.
Three categories of knowledge management benefits:
If information isn't seems at in this system, it's easier to visualize some of the benefits versus the lost opportunities when one takes a good look at the concept of managing knowledge within an organization. There are actually three general categories of benefits that come with a good method of managing information: knowledge, intermediate and organizational ( Allen, 1977).

§  Knowledge benefits are basic and immediate benefits that a company can see, such as better handling of information and a better understanding of how to use knowledge within a company. This class also covers up the aptitude to find information quickly and have a plan of what a particular portion of information is good for.

§  When employee efficiency is enhanced because of good knowledge partaking and management Intermediate benefits cover the advantages a company gains. This also covers how successful the sharing of knowledge is. Organizational benefits refer to those benefits a company sees that are end results of good knowledge handling, and the ways in which knowledge management can have an effect on the company's bottom-line goals.

§  At the most basic level of benefits, the knowledge benefits, and people within a company will have fast access to shared knowledge and know how to find the information they need because the knowledge has been pigeonholed and everyone has been made conscious of the significant of information.

§  Employees understand which information can help them at the time and they know how to find it. People will better understand their responsibilities and the responsibilities of others.

Information Communication Technology (ICT): technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications is known as ICT.
In accordance with (Probst,  Raub, and Romhardt, 2000), It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but centres primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.
Environmental scanning: Careful observation of an organization's internal and external environments for sensing early signs of opportunities and threats that may control its current and future plans. In contrast, observation is restricted to a precise objective or a narrow segment.
Benchmarking: Along with (Armstrong, 2001),Benchmarking is the procedure of recognizing "best practice" in relative to both products (including) and the processes by which those products are shaped and delivered. The search for "best practice" can take place both inside a particular industry, and also in other industries. The objective of benchmarking is to comprehend and assess the current position of a business or organization in relative to "best practice" and to identify areas and means of performance development.

Use of Information Communication Technology:

Figure: The supporting process among ICT, Environmental Scanning & Benchmarking
Along with (Armstrong, 2001),It is necessary to think for all the business organization to consider all the sentimental factors within the environment in which business works. On basis of the tendency the organizations set its standard. But it is very critical for the organization to consider the factors. The major factors for the limitation are the vast scope of the environment. But there is no way to consider it properly. On the other hand, the present globalization process all over the world has initiated the new and broad extent for the business globally where the achievement is more than any other time. In this situation, to be efficient in this throat cutting competition the organization must gain the accurate information in shortest possible time. On the basis of the information in this market oriented global arena, the business organization will make a standard and set a plan to achieve the organizational goal. The organization which will gather best and vast information will gain the success. This whole process will be strong-minded efficient only when the organization will be able to use the ICT. That means proper & efficient use of environmental scanning will lead a strong benchmarking and planning to the success of the organization.
In line with (Dale, 1994),In the 21st century business landscape, firms must compete in a complex and challenging context that is being altered by many factors from globalization, recurrent and uncertain changes to the growing use of information technologies. Therefore, achieving a competitive advantage is a major pre- occupation of senior managers in the competitive and slow growth markets, which describe many businesses today and the sources of competitive advantage have been a major concern for scholars and practitioners for the last two decades. The significance of competitive advantage and distinguishing competencies as determinants of a firm’s success and growth has increased tremendously in the last decade. This increase in importance is as a result of the belief that fundamental basis of above-average performance in the long run is sustainable competitive advantage. Theorists argue that in volatile environments the ability to learn faster than competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage. In keeping with (Porter, 1985),This study proposed that, through organizational learning a firm can develop hard to imitate knowledge resources and capabilities (human capital as well as organizational capital) that create value which in turn lead to superior performance. While there is little opposition to the premise that organizational learning is a competence that all organizations including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) should develop in fast-changing and competitive environments, most literature has not clearly linked organizational learning with sustainable competitive advantage. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to explore and examine the effect of interactive relationship between organizational learning, intellectual capital elements, and SMEs’ outcomes or performance. Specifically, it dealt with how organizational learning process can be used to develop knowledge resources and capabilities that lead to superior performance of SMEs. The study targeted all SMEs in food and beverage sub-sector with a total of 112 firms constituting of 21%of all firms in the manufacturing sector. A two-stage sampling was carried out where the firms were divided according to sub-sectors and then one sub-sector (food and beverage) was randomly selected and all firms in the sub-sector were involved. For inclusion in the sample, firms were required to have between 10 and 150 employees and be autonomous trading entities, but not branch plants of national or multi-national organizations. The data for the study was collected from 48 firms that met the sampling criteria out of 53 firms that responded to the mail survey. In keeping with (Porter, 1985),Since the study was concerned with the relationships between observed and latent variables; structural equation modelling and other multivariate statistical tools were used to analyze the data. Although the research model argued for an almost complete mediation relationship, which follows the theoretical argument of the resource-based view, the results of the study indicate that organizational learning influences SMEs performance both directly and indirectly. These results are consistent with earlier empirical research on the relationship between organizational learning and firm performance. Although the results of this study are quite encouraging, lack of longitudinal data limit drawing of far-reaching conclusions.

Through this assignment, I have forecast cash flow of a newly established consultation firm. Importance of working capital, the contribution of the information technology to the environmental scanning and benchmarking has been discussed critically. Here, the relation between organisational & competitive advantage has been critically analyzed.

1)     Allen, T. J., (1977). Managing the flow of technology:  Technology transfer and the dissemination of technological information within the R&D organization. Cambridge: MA: MIT Press
2)     Armstrong, M., (2001). A Handbook of Human Resource Management and Practices. London: Kogan Page.
3)     Dale, W., (1994). Learning Organizations in Managing Learning. London: Routledge.
4)     Porter, M. E., (1985). Competitive Advantage; Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. New York: The Free Press.
5)     Probst, G., Raub, S., and Romhardt, K., (2000). Managing Knowledge: Building Blocks for Success. New York: Wiley.
6)     Stewart, J., (1996). Managing Change through Training and Development. London: Kogan Page.

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