Tuesday 1 December 2015

Business Context – Law Assignment Question and Answer: For UK Students

QUESTION: Business Context – Law Assignment

Programme:   BA Business
Year/Level:  1/4

Module code:  BUS407
          Word guide: 2000 words +/- 10%

Learning Outcomes Tested in this Assignment:
1.     To study features of the English Legal system and the legal rules affecting business.
2.     To explain the role of justice administered in the role of resolving commercial disputes.

Assessment Criteria
Marks Available
Marks Awarded

Outline and articulate the statutory and common law provisions in relation to the relevant law. Use a wide variety of case law to illustrate the legal issues.



Critically analyse potential problems regarding the application of the law as it applies to the English Legal system. Sustained arguments should be used throughout.



Wide-ranging references with the correct use of the Harvard referencing system.



Quality of the written work. Clear structure to the work and correct spelling used throughout.



·       Maximum word limit of 2000 +/- 10% tolerance
·       There should be a separate introduction and conclusion for each task
·       Please include a Title page, Table of Contents, and Appendices if necessary, each on a new page
·       Each task should be on a separate new page.
·       Font style: Arial; Font size: 12; Line spacing: 1.5
·       Stated word count at the end of each task
·       Cite and reference your research sources as appropriate and in Harvard style.
·       Use credible sources only (textbooks, journal articles, and established credible websites).


Mr Jack Brown, a Marketing consultant, and Mr Charlie Longbottom, an Accountant, run a small but fairly successful consultancy firm, called ‘Horizons’ in Waterloo, London. The business has been in operation for 7 years and its annual turnover is approximately £250,000 per annum. The business has 120 local clients for whom it provides services in marketing and accountancy.

The partners decide that the business needs some new blood in the form of a new business partner. They identify one potential partner in the form of Mrs Jessica Fry, who would bring much needed expertise in Law and also would also boost the business’ finances in the form of a capital injection.

Before investing, Jessica wants the financial statements (Profit & Loss account, and Balance Sheet) of the practice audited independently.

The independent auditor’s report is very concerning. It seems that Charlie, has been embezzling money to the tune of £500,000 over the 7 years the business has been in operation.

Least to say, Jessica pulls out of the investment. Afraid of legal consequences and being held complicit, Jack seeks advice from a reputable solicitor, you. Admittedly, Jack knows very little of the law, and as a first step asks you, the solicitor, about statutory interpretation.

Explain, analyse and apply the rules of statutory interpretation to the scenario above.
                                                                                                                                       (40 marks)


Kevin Stormbringer, a close friend of yours, bought a honeymoon package for himself and his new bride, Maryanne, from an Internet based company called ‘Love Excursions’. The company was based in London and were ABTA registered, which Kevin thought was a good sign.

The package cost £3,999 and included 7 nights half-board stay at a 5 star beach resort in Bali, Indonesia. It also included return flights for two, and transport to and from the hotel. Kevin thought the price was a ‘steal’ and quickly bought it via his debit card. He received email confirmation regarding his purchase immediately and was very happy to continue doing business with them.

Six weeks prior to his honeymoon, he was to receive his electronic tickets, which didn’t materialise. Kevin, being slightly concerned fruitlessly called up the company via the telephone number listed on the email to him and on the company’s website. He tried again several times to no avail and finally decided that he would pay a physical visit to the company. The very next day, Kevin visits the address and finds no such company situated there.

Very concerned, he speaks to the police and they inform him that the owner of the company is quite the disreputable businessman. Poor Kevin is now in trouble, he does not know what to do and furthermore his new wife is threatening to leave him due to his inaction.

A very frustrated Kevin is advised by you to recover his money via the small claims process. Explain to Kevin what steps he will have to take to recover his money, and any problems he may encounter. Are there any alternatives to using the civil court system, which he should consider?
                                                                                                                                       (40 marks)

Presentation and written English                                                                                  (10 marks)

Referencing / use of Harvard system                                                               (10 marks)

ANSWER: Business Context Law



In the English legal system statutory interpretation is one of the most important elements which are used to make decisions regarding different situations. In this part of the report, a detail about the statutory interpretation rules is presented and applied according the given situation.

Statutory interpretation

In the British legal system the statutory interpretation is one of the most important processes. The process is used by the legal system to interpret and apply the legislation regarding a specific situation (Martin, 2010). In a sentence, the process of interpreting and applying the legislation within a situation will be called as the statutory interpretation. For solving the cases, a court uses different rules and techniques to solve different situations according to their nature and suitability. Son in brief the statutory interpretation is the process by which a court applies and interprets legislation against a case to give decisions.  In the English Legal System the courts uses three major statutory rules to interpret and apply the legislation (Slapper, Gary & David, 2008)

Golden Rules

In some situations, the judges see that the ordinary meaning of legislation will be the reason for producing a defective decision by court. This is why; in such a situation court takes decision apart from the ordinary meaning of legislation which is called as the golden rule for statutory interpretation by court (Bryan, 2003). For example: In Sigsworth (1935), a son killed his mother. But after mother’s death, a son will get the resources of mother according to English Law. But it would be inhuman decision for giving the property mother to son who has killed his mother. In this situation, the court has applied golden rules and apart from ordinary interpretation of legislation court has provided a special decision not to give property to the son (Slapper, Gary & David, 2008).

Literal rule

In some situation the court found that the rule or legislation regarding the situation is directly applicable to make decision. In this situation, court interprets the law according to its main theme. It will be called as the literal statutory interpretation. So, it can be said that when court emphasize on the real theme of legislation to make its decision regarding a specific situation, it will be called as the literal rule applied by court (Martin, 2010). In Fishers vs. Bell, (1960), a weapon seller has displayed a flick knife in the shop window. According to the British Law, offering and selling dangerous weapon will be a punishable offence. In this case the seller has displayed the knife. Court interpret the rule as like as offering and selling such weapon is a offence but displaying such weapon does not mean that he is offering to sell it. So it is not an illegal task according to the literal rule of statutory interpretation (David, 2004)

Mischief rule

 In some situation, court found that there is a significant gap within the current law to solve a specific legal problem. In this situation, court finds the previous law and the current law to find out the gaps. By filling the legal gaps, court makes interpretation based on the current and the previous law (ACAS, 2014). This process to interpret law will be called as the mischief law used by court.  In Corkery vs. Curpenter, (1952), a drunk has been accused for riding cycle in public place. In law there was a law regarding drunk in public place but there was no rule for cycle. In this situation, to solve the problem, court used the mischief rule (Bryan, 2003).

Application of statutory interpretation rules in the current situation

Mr. Jack Brown and Mr Charlie Longbottom are running a partnership consulting business which has made annual profit of £250,000 per annum. They provided marketing and accounting consultancy services to 120 local customers. Now they have take decision to have a new partner Mrs Jessica Fry, a legal expert. But she analysed different financial facts in last 7 years and found that Mr Charlie has embezzled about £500,000 within last seven years. In this situation she has withdrawn herself from the possible investment as it will create future legal consequences. In this situation, Mr. Jack Brown wants to make a legal action against Charlie to recover the damage from embezzlement. 

My interpretation based on literal rules of statutory interpretation

In this circumstance, Jack does not know what the law is and what its interpretation within the situation is. Before going to any legal action, he has come to me. I am a solicitor and I will provide legal explanation to him regarding the situation. Additionally, I will advise him the actions which will be taken to recover his damage. I will apply here to interpret the situation the literal rule as it is directly related to the breach of contract within partnership business and breach of outmost good faith among the partners (Bryan, 2003).
According to the partnership act 1890, a partnership is a contract as it is made based on the agreement within two or more people for their mutual interest. In this type organization, one party is the agent of other. According to the partnership act, if any party is harmed by the other parties’ intentional wrong action, the partnership business will be terminated as it will be considered as the breach of contract (Martin, 2010a). The reason behind it is that the partnership business is established based outmost good faith (ACAS, 2014). According to the law, in this situation the business of them will be terminated and court will help Jack to recover the emblazed money. Additionally, court will, by its supervision, terminate the organization and preserve the rights of Jack in this termination (Slapper, Gary & David, 2008).
In this situation, it will be my suggestion to Jack to prepare a case against Charlie in the court after collection of the legal documents of the embezzlement by Charlie. In the court to prove it the documents will be submitted (ACAS, 2014). If the court found Charlie guilt for the breach of partnership agreement for the embezzlement, Jack will get the chance to recover the damage from embezzlement as well as right for the proper dissolution of the partnership (David, 2004)


In this part of the report statutory rules are discussed at the beginning and then the rules have been applied in the given situation. According to the situation, the literal statutory rules has been applied to explain the law regarding the breach of contract of given partnership business.

[Word count-1084]



The given situation represents that Kevin Stormbringer has faced a financial loss for making transaction with Love Excursion Company. To recover his money he has come to me to get advice for taking legal actions. I have provided different possible and profitable advices to him to recover his money.

Situation analysis

Kevin Stormbringer is one of my friends. He has brought a honeymoon package from an internet based company located in London named Love Excursions which is ABTA registered he brought a package from the company promised to provide him 5 star beach resort in Bali, Indonesia. The additional services ware promised to provide transport and return fight within the package money of £3,999.  He paid it through his debit card and he was to receive an electronic ticket before six month. But he has not got. Not being able to reach over phone he physically visited the company address but he has not got any company there named Love Excursions. He contacted with police and police has said the business is quite disreputable. Now he is very scared about losing his money. In this situation, he is thinking to take the legal action against the owner of the organization to recover his money. On the other hand, his wife is threatening him to leave him in this circumstance. He has come to me to advice him to recover the money.

My advice

According to the legal system in UK my friend Kevin Stormbringer has the right to recover the money. But the claim is about £3,999. According to the British Legal system, this type of case can be resolved in Small Claims Court as claim under 5000 pounds can be dealt with the Small Claim Court (Martin, 2010). If he goes in the regular legal system it may cross the claimed money against the owner which will be unprofitable for my friend. For that reason I will suggest him to go to the Small claim court to recover the money. But he is not familiar to the system to claim in the in the small claim court. I am here to advice him to recover the money through the small claim court.
If Stormbringer goes to the small claim court, he will enjoy some special benefits for resolving and recovering the money. It will be the less costing option than the regular court system. On the other hand, he will cost only £ 50 as according to the law the claim within £3000.01 to £5000 amount (Martin, 2010). The court environment will be highly friendly for him as here the arbitrator will be district judge in local court. The claim will be presented by him or any other person authorised by him which will reduce the lawyer fees (David, 2004).
For the first time he has to collect all the related mails and other documents and payments related facts. After that he has to collect a special CPR form (N1, N9A, N9B, N9) named Money Claim form from website of Her Majesty's Courts & Tribunals Service and it will be sent to County Court Money Claims Centre. He will have to pay 50 pound in court (Slapper, Gary & David, 2008). If he wants he can also claim 8% percent interest on 3999 pounds. After the acceptance of the claim by court, he will be called in the court for hearing (Bryan, 2003). Here, he may present his claim through a written document. On the other hand, he can present it by himself/ paid solicitor/ any other authorised person by him. At last step, if he wins, by himself he can collect the money and he also can request to recover the winning money by the court which will require additional 50 pounds. In this way he can recover the money from the owner of the company Love Excisions (Martin, 2010a)
There are some major problems to use the small claim court will be faced by Stormbringer. If he don’t feel that the court’s decision is satisfactory he cannot appeal against the decision (Slapper, Gary & David, 2008). On the other hand, he will not be able to present perfectly if he wants to present his claim as he is not used to court environment. Additionally, this type of judgement has no legal base as it is not a formal court procedure. Furthermore if he win and requires collecting the money by him it will create an additional problem (David, 2004).
I can suggest him another alternative to recover the money without using the civil court system which is alternative dispute resolution. It is an informal legal process outside the court to resolve this type of money claims or business disputes. The alternative dispute resolution processes are the arbitration, mediation, mini-trial and the negotiation (ACAS, 2014). In these types of dispute resolution practices, he can hire a person or third party or any regulatory body based on the natures which type of alternative dispute resolution system is being used. They will try to resolute the dispute between Stormbringer and the owner of Love Excursions to recover the money of him. For using the alternative dispute resolution procedure both the related parties will be gathered and agreed to resolve the dispute voluntarily (ACAS, 2014)


As Kelvin Stormbringer has a small claim amounting 3999 pound, I have suggested him to go small claim court and suggested the procedure in which he will approach. At last I have suggested him another option to recover the money which is alternative dispute resolution within minimum cost.

[Word count-925]


1.     ACAS, (2014). Settlement Agreements: A Guide. [Available at: http://www.acas.org.uk/media/pdf/o/a/Settlement_agreements_(the_Acas_Guide)JULY2013.pdf.] Accessed: 31-03-2014.
2.     ACAS, (2014). Settlement agreements. [Available at: http://www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=4395]. Accessed: 31-03-2014
3.     David, C., (2004). The Stories of English. London: Penguin Books
4.     Bryan, G., (2003).  Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage. Oxford :Oxford University Press
5.     Martin, J., (2010). The English Legal System. 6th ed. London: Hodder Education
6.     Martin, J., (2010a). Unlocking the English Legal System. London: Hodder Education
7.     Slapper, Gary & David, K., (2008). The English Legal System. London: Routledge-Cavendish.
8.     ACAS, (2014). Making more of Alternative Dispute Resolution. [Available at: http://www.acas.org.uk/media/pdf/d/s/making-more-of-alternative-dispute-resolution-accessible-version-July-2011.pdf]. Accessed: 31-03-2014

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