Monday 7 December 2015

Academic Essay on the Impact of Cloud Computing On It Department

Highlighted Cases:
Case-1: A Study on Cloud Database
Case-2: Managing IT Operations in a Cloud-driven Enterprise (Selected)


In the current technology based globalized world, organizations structures, operations and management are being changed according to the change of technology. The high competition in business world has intensified the need of proper management and use of their data and information. The organization which is highly capable in information in managing information technology is highly successful in competition. To manage the information, the organizations has introduced Information Technology (IT) department to ensure proper management and application of the related data and information. Previously, the IT departments within organizations have used traditional database systems. By the passes of time, the traditional database system has been replaced by the cloud database concept. The reason behind it is that the traditional database system is unable to ensure proper management of highly increasing huge bulk of data within the organizations whereas the cloud database system is highly effective and efficient to ensure proper management of data and information. In this report, a literature review has been detailed based on “Impact of cloud computing on IT departments”.


Literature review is the stage of a research work where standards though collected from different previous works regarding an issue which is highlighted to evaluate in the current piece of work. For preparing the current literature review, two case studies, first case named “A study on cloud database” has been provided academically and second one “Managing IT Operations in a Cloud-driven Enterprise” collected personally, is used. As the report preparation is instructed to follow PROMT, additional information is also included in it. 


Information about database

In the traditional filing system an organization has to face different problems like lack of centralization, difficulty to access, wastage of paper and time and ease of duplication. To remove the problems, database systems is used which is organized electric mechanism for storing, managing and retrieving information (Beynon-Davies, 2004).  It’s traditional in-house database system but has lost its appeal to cope with the changing necessity of the information management. For ensuring the effective and efficient data and information management, organizations are rushing through the cloud database systems.

Cloud computing

The development of concept of cloud computing can be traced in 1950s when large scale mainframe computers became available in academia and corporations. The modern day cloud computing characteristics can be explored mostly in the book of Douglas Parkils named “Challenge of the Computer Utility, 1966” (Lavington, 1998)
The application of traditional supercomputing and high performance computing power which are used in military and research facility to perform tens of trillions computations per second in the customer oriented applications  (Oestreich, 2010) like financial portfolios to deliver personalized information, to provide data storage or to power large, immersive computer games is the main aim of cloud computing (Sullivan, 2014).


Analysis of cloud computing models

In the current world, the data management problems have been raised in case of exponential growth of internet, multiplication of data and explosion of data sources. The traditional and relational database management system is not capable to support this hyper growing trend of data. To solve the problem the large companies and communities has been forced to use new database management tool NoSQL or “Key-Value-Store” system by escaping from traditional data management system as this has ensured the sharing of a common goal of massive scale “On Demand” and simplified application development.  Based on the database management tool the cloud database management system has been developed which is the newest concept data management to support the exponential growth and higher of multiple semi-structured data of community and corporations.
Cloud computing is the internet based computing or data management system which helps data sharing without having any local server or personal application handling devices. In this system different systems like server, storage and applications are supported through internet to an organization an organization computer. Cloud computing system is such a database management system where users enjoy the full availability and access with being blocked. It makes the database management system free from dependence on number of users, size and any added computing /communication constraint as well as burden of taking back up. By the use of cloud computing system the majority of headache for data management within an organization is transferred to the outside cloud service provider.
The networks of large group of servers typically running low-cost consumer PC technology in clouding specialized connection to spread data processing chores across them is used by cloud computing. The IT infrastructure contains large pools of systems which are connected together are shared by the cloud computing system and virtualization techniques to maximise the power of cloud computing are used in cloud computing system.

There are different models of cloud computing with different characteristics like PNUTS, CouchDB, Big Table, Voldermort, HBase, MongoDb, Hypertable, Infinispan, Azure, Doynomite, Redis, Xeroundm ClearDB, SimpleDB, GoodgeApp Engine Data Store and Bynamo. These databases can be dived into two segments according to the elasticity level of them. The first type of cloud database systems do not require any downtime for adding a new node in a cluster but the second type of cloud database systems  require observable downtime for adding a new node in a cluster. PNUTS, SimpleDB and Big Table are   proprietary cloud database system whereas CouchDB, Voldermort, HBase, MongoDb, Hypertable, Infinispan, Azure, Doynomite, Redis, Xeroundm ClearDB, GoodgeApp Engine Data Store and Dynamo are open source cloud database

 Cassandra and HBase are made based on Big Table systems where updating systems follows sequential I/O where records are never overwritten. In this system the sequential writing is optimized but reading is de-optimized. Dynomite provides integrate storage and distribution system to ensure scalability and advantage. Cassandra allows client to specify on a per-call basis whether the write is durably persisted. Dynamo, Voldemort and Cassandra use eventual consistency to balance replication and availability. On the other hand, in PNUTS model based database system updating systems follows random I/O where records are overwritten. But this is not as faster as Big Table database models like Cassandra and HBase. Infinispan database system is Java based open source data grid platform that provides extreme scalability and availability through mufti-processor, multi-core architectures and distributed cache capabilities. Redis is open source advanced database system that contains strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted seats where MongoDB is a schema fee, document oriented highly scalable and fault tolerable database system. Amazon SimpleDB and Microsoft Azure are hosted cloud serving stores providing transactional functions not found in other serving stores. BigTable, Hypertable and Google App Engine are GFS compatible database product while PNUTS is Yahoo! Product.
In the recent time the open sources database software are threatening the business of the power of data industry HP and IBM. They are creating public data centre model through ensuring maximum use if resource and power. 


IT departments

There are different departments within an organization to carry out the operations of the organization. In a business the tree main departments are finance management and marketing. In the recent time a more important department has been required by the organization for the proper operation of organization functions which is Information Technology (IT) department. The department which provides technological and information management support to an organization, it will be called as the IT department of the organization. Within an IT department different IT applications are used to support payroll, travel and expense reimbursement, customer relationship and supply chain management customer. The applications are decomposed in three: front-end tires, business-logic tier and a back-end tire. The applications used by the organization are internal and external applications. Internal IT Applications (Example SCM Oracle Apps, CRM Oracle Apps, ERP SAP etc.) and Cloud Applications (Private/Public/Hybrid): Example Google Apps, Amazon EC2 and etc.

Relation between cloud computing and IT department

In an IT department within an organization different database is used. The enterprises use the internal and traditional database for storing, sharing and managing data has to face different problems as the business is more and more expending, to store the data the organization are being technology reliant and the traditional database management system is inefficient and complex.  To support the exponentially growing data, the IT department of an organization requires huge data storage and data management capacity including high scalability and flexibility. But traditional database cannot support the firstly growing necessity. On the other hand, to manage huge in-house database requires high costs as it requires highly paid and highly costing infrastructure. This is why the IT department becomes dependant for information management on an outside professional database management organization which is called as the cloud computing. In it believed that the IT departments of an organization are being migrated to the cloud platforms. So, day by day, the more the IT department of organizations are being reliant on cloud database, the more the cloud platforms are becoming a major part of organizational IT department.  In current technology based global world, for large organizations cloud computing is being fundamental part or heart of their IT departments.

Factors to be considered for migrating IT department to Cloud environment

To have the cloud services, IT department of an organization should be migrated to the cloud platform. This will provide various advantages to the organization and it will remove the inefficiencies of traditional database management process of the organization. But before migration of IT department of an organization to the cloud platform, the organization should consider some crucial issues like: security capacity of the application, regulations, community protocol, resource provision, application, application complexity level and processing requirement and memory lock.

Migration process of IT department to cloud environment

The migration of organizational IT department to a cloud environment, an organization will go through a well-organized process. For example: The process of migration of an IT System to MICROSOFT SAAS Cloud contains the sequential activities: conducting technical preplanning and current system analysis, making employees fit with the new system, deployment of active directory services, testing the process and mail flow and moving all users mailbox to cloud.

Advantages for adopting cloud service in IT department

By transforming IT department to a cloud environment, the organizations enjoy different data management and database management advantages. The major advantages generated from transforming IT department of an organization to a cloud platform are like: it simples the IT infrastructures, reduces IT cost and enhances IT capabilities, reduce IT admin tasks, strengthen security and reliability of data and system, flexible mobile access, easy integration, ongoing upgrades, high speed of data processing, helps to focus on core business, helps to make focus on core business and dynamic workload allocation, system agility, proper utilization of human resources, helps enhance scalability, customization, lower barrier to entry and efficient disaster recovery.

Challenges for adopting cloud service in IT department

Some challenges arise for the organization when an organization is making migration of their IT department to a cloud platform. Challenges are like lower data security level, latency, bandwidth cost, loss of control, service level agreement for downtime, difficulty in application migration, problems for distance of server, high reliance on internet and its performance and maximum reliance on  outsider for valuable data management.


Current technology based business world is highly dependent on the cloud computing to manage their database effectively and efficiently. From the economic purpose, the significance of cloud computing is highly important. To be sustained in the global market an organization has to achieve maximum cost efficiencies. In this case to reduce organizational operation cost, the organizations are helped by the cloud computing through transforming IT department of an organization to cloud service providers as it helps to reduce infrastructural, maintenance and expertise cost of database management in an IT department. On the other hand, the system efficiency helps to ensure the business performance based on which the organizations can achieve additional performance and efficiencies. So, cloud computing is a concept which is migrating the IT department of modern organizations to outside platforms which ensured the organizational IT efficiencies and performance.


1.      Beynon-Davies, P. (2004). Database Systems. 3rd Edition. Palgrave, Houndmills: Basingstoke.
2.      Connolly, T., and Carolyn Begg , (2002). Database Systems. New York: Harlow.
3.      Lavington, S., (1998). A History of Manchester Computers (2nd ed.). London: The British Computer Society.
4.      Oestreich, K., (2010). "Converged Infrastructure". CTO Forum. Retrieved 2011-12-02.
5.      Sullivan, D., (2014). "Cost of the Cloud: A Developer's Guide to Reducing Your AWS Bill". PragTech Publishing.

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