takes time, money, and lots of preparation. One of the best ways to prepare
yourself is to develop a solid marketing plan. A strong marketing plan will
ensure you’re not only sticking to your schedule, but that you’re spending your
marketing funds wisely and appropriately.
marketing plan includes everything from understanding your target market and
your competitive position in that market, to how you intend to reach that
market (your tactics) and differentiate yourself from your competition in order
to make a sale.
small business marketing budget should be a component of your marketing plan.
Essentially, it will outline the costs of how you are going to achieve your
marketing goals within a certain timeframe.
you don't have the funds to hire a marketing firm or even staff a position
in-house, there are resources available to guide you through the process of
writing a marketing plan and developing a market budget.
Your Budget When Necessary and Keep an Eye on ROI
you have developed your marketing budget, it doesn’t mean that it’s set in
stone. There may be times when you need to throw in another unplanned marketing
tactic -- such as hosting an event or creating a newspaper ad -- to help you
reach your market more effectively.
it’s more important to determine whether sticking to your budget is helping you
achieve your marketing goals and bringing you a return on investment (ROI) than
to adhere to a rigid and fixed budget.
why it's important to include a plan for measuring your spend. Consider what
impact certain marketing activities have had on your revenues during a fixed
period, such as a business quarter, compared to another time period when you
focused your efforts on other tactics. Consider the tactics that worked as well
as those that didn’t work. You don't have to cut the tactics that didn't work,
but you should assess whether you need to give them more time to work or
whether the funds are best redirected elsewhere.
some tactics are hard to measure -- such as the efficacy of print collateral
(brochures, sales sheets, etc.), but you need to consider the impact of not
having these branding staples in your market tool kit before you reign in your
graphic design and print funds.
plans should be maintained on an annual basis, at a minimum. But if you launch
a new product or service, take time to revisit your original plan or develop a
separate campaign plan that you can add to your main plan as an addendum.
the end of the day, the time spent developing your marketing plan, is time well
spent because it defines how you connect with your customers. And that's an
investment worth making.
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