Tuesday 25 February 2014

Assignment on business skills for UK students

Changed work activity & structure in business: 

The business world is facing a revolutionary change. The completion is rising day by day. Firms are in an intense competition for the achievement of the major market share to increase their profitability. For generating high income from the investment, organizations are paying more attention on the strategic operations of the business activities. For the strategic operation, the organization needs the maximum performance of organizational workforce. For that reason to ensure the better performance of the employees within the organization different strategic options are being followed. One of them is teamwork. For the better combination of the workforce, the organizational hierarchy is being flattened day by day for ensuring the better communication to generate the highest level of team efforts. Not only that but also in case of greater global extension, the organizations is facing the interactions with different culture & society which works as the reason for the changing form of business operation to response the environment. On the business environment, the technology has enhanced the extended opportunity and threat for business. The technology has enabled the business organization to perform their operation effectively and efficiently to achieve their desired goals and objectives. On the other hand, it has accelerated the competition which made the challenges for the organization to sustain in the competition (Davis, 2009).



Group is the collection of three or more people who are in the purpose to achieve a common set of goals thorough regular contact and frequent interaction, mutual influence, common feeling of camaraderie.

Theory of group:

In the group, the people come to have the common objectives to share the ideas, philosophy & common areas of knowledge to achieve the set of common goals. Here, all the members gaiters regularly or frequently for functioning jointly with protecting the personal identity.

Types of group:

Formal group: Formal group is the group which is made for the accomplishment of a specific type of job or task within an organization. Group for launching a particular product within the market is the example.

Informal group: The group which is not made for a formal organization and formed with informal people for helping themselves in achieving mutual objectives.

Primary group: The primary group is the collection of the small cluster of people to meet regularly. The family is an example of primary group where the members meet regularly.

Secondary group: The group which will be formed with a large number of people will be called as the secondary group. The example of secondary group is the social gathering.


In a team there are a group of people who are arranged to achieve the common purpose. In case of team, the tasks for what a group of people gathers are highly interdependent and complex. In this task there are different subtasks to accomplish the major task. These different subtasks are imposed on different members of the team (Forsyth, 2006).

Theory of team:

Teams normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated effort which allows each member to maximize his/her strengths and minimize his/her weaknesses (Forsyth, 2006).

Types of team:

Task team:
To resolve a clearly defined task, goals & problem, the task team is formulated by the organization or the entity. Here, the common purpose of the members will be to task/goals or problem. The work of the members will be interdependent to attain the task.
Cross-functional team: In the cross-functional team, there are several members from different levels of the organization with different capacity. But their effort will centre on the common goal achievement.
Virtual team:  Virtual team is the team where the members of the team are not gathered physically but through technologically to achieve specific gals with the help of combined efforts of the persons (Ale Ebrahim, Ahmed, Taha, 2009).
Self-managing team:  Self-managing team is the team where there will be different team members with the complete or partial responsibility for their tasks performed.

Difference between team and group


Team is formed to achieve the pre-organized common purpose with the combined effort. For the accomplishment of the team objective collaborative efforts must be required.

Group is the combination of the three more people to have a set of common purpose where the collaborative effort is not necessarily required.
In the team, the whole team is responsible for the failure and success of the efforts jointly.

In the group, the whole group is responsible for the failure and success of the efforts individually.
The outcomes of the operation are shared among the members.

The outcomes of the operation are not shared among the members.

The members of the team are highly motivated to co-operate the other members as their personal performance is fully dependent on the joint efforts.
The members of the team not are highly motivated to co-operate the other members as their personal performance is not dependent on the joint efforts.
A team leader is highly successful than any group leader as the team leader has the full control over the members.
A group leader is not successful like a team leader as the group leader has not the full control over the members.

My project whether team or group:

The project where I am involved in is to increase the sales of the store where I work.  In this project, there are ten members. All the members of the project are in performing the specific objectives. To co-ordinate the skills & efforts of other members, I am the project manager or project leader. For that reason, I can easily make comment that the collection of people which I lead is a team to achieve a specific goal (Davis, 2009).

Justification of the comment:

It is clear that the project which I lead, with no doubt, a team. My arguments in support of my comment like following (Forsyth, 2006):
Ä The collection of the members to conduct the operations of the project leaded by is formed to achieve the pre-organized & specific common purpose top increase sales with the combined efforts from the all members.
Ä If the joint effort of the members of my team becomes successful or failed, the responsibility will not touch a member individually. The members of the project are not responsible personally to accomplish the objective.
Ä The outcomes of the operation of my project are shared among the members. On the other hand, the success failure will be distributed among all the members and the whole team will be responsible for the failure and success of the efforts jointly.
Ä The members of the project are highly motivated to co-operate the other members as they know their personal performance is fully dependent on the joint efforts.

Additionally, my project member works as the group of people who are arranged to achieve the common purpose to increase the sales within the store to prevent the sales fallowing as well as to sales increase. In my project, the tasks are highly interdependent and complex to be performed (Davis, 2009).
From the above discussion, it is clear to us that the members of the project work as the team not as the group.

The relationships between members of the team:  Relation is the extent in which people interact with others for their personal interested goal achievement. In team, the relation is that extent based on which the team members interact to co-operate each other to achieve their personal or combined team objectives (Devine, 2002). 

Relational dimension within a team:

As the project manager as well as the team leader, I require having the knowledge about the relational dimension within a team. I will divide the relational dimension within three categories like following:
Positive relation: The positive relational dimension among team members refers to that highly constructive, co-operative & communicative relation within the team members to perform their responsibilities to achieve the joint objective of the team. There are three categories of positive relational dimensions like: Good relation, the minimum normal and habitual constructive relationship within the members of the team to perform their roles, better relation, and the more constructive trend of the relationships among the team members (Devine, 2002).
Negative relation: The negative relational dimension among team members refers to that destructive, non-co-operative & less-communicative relation within the team members to perform their responsibilities to achieve the joint objective of the team. There are three categories of negative relational dimensions like: Bad relation, the minimum normal and habitual negative relationship within the members of the team to perform their roles, worse relation, the relationships with more destructive trend among the team members (Wheelan, 2010).  
Neutral relationship: In the team, the neutral relation refers to the immoveable & unproductive relationship among the members. But the neutral relationship doesn’t include any destructive and constructive relationship. It shows that situation where no members of the team actively go for co-operation or destruction. It refers just the resentment which makes the goal achievement process of the team impossible. 

Relational dimension within my team:

My project team is consists of ten members in the different position of my team. They have different roles with a particular boundary. The success of the project for increasing sales is highly dependent on the joint efforts of the members. For that reason as the team leader, I always try to keep maximum extent of good relationship among the team members to do their job. On the light of the discussion about my team, I can strongly comment that the relationship which exists among the team members of my project is HIGHLY POSITIVE or BEST RELATIONSHIP (Devine, 2002).

Success factors of my project team:

In the current time, the performance report of the store shows the high increase in sales volume is made. The active contribution for that was made by my project team members to increase sales through ensuring joint efforts. The successful joint effort was possible within my team for the existence of the following success factors (Wheelan, 2010):
Clarity of communication: I as the project manager, try to ensure the best level of clarity of communication as without the clear communication among the team members, the joint effor for success cannot be made.
Clarity of goal: The project introduced for what, what are the goals and objectives of the project are clearly defined to the all members of the project team.
Clarity of roles: The project members as the member of an integral team body have specified roles and duties to perform.
Balanced participation: through the maintenance of the better relationships, as the project manager, I have made a highly communicative workforce for the project management which ensured the balanced participations of the team members in the joint team effort.

Conflict within team& reason for conflict:

When the different members of the team with significant difference between needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals of them are in struggle to have the same resources or the rights will be defined as the conflict. The reasons for the conflict within the team is to fight for same resources, difference of views regarding the same matter among several people, limited opportunity for the team members (Lambert, Myers, 1999).

Conflict incident in my team:

In my team, there was a significant incident of conflict occurred few days ago.  The source of the conflict was only photocopy machine used by the two members of my project team. The fight was for the position of the machine. (Lambert, Myers, 1999).
At last I made the negotiation for resolving the conflict. I called them both & listened to them. After that I placed the machine in the middle between the two desks of the team members. 
I was very much horrible as this conflict made them stopped to work & for that reason in the total system, there were a bottleneck problem. The productivity of the team drastically downed for that incident for few days (Lambert, Myers, 1999).


Team interaction with my project:

The interactions within a team follow a specified way of flow. The flow of team interactions are basically in three types. These are downward interaction where the flow of interaction flows from the top level to lower level. Next is upward interaction where the interaction of the team flows from the lower level to upper level.  The last one is the lateral interaction where the interaction flows in a flattened structure (Wheelan, 2010).
 In my team the team interaction flow is designed in the way that the interactions flow within a centralized stricture which can be referred as the lateral structure of interactions. In my team, any members can interact with any members in every stage that is required to be communicated to resolve the problem or making the team effort successful to achieve project objective (Ale Ebrahim, Ahmed, Taha, 2009).

Self assessment:

As the leader of the project team, my interactions with the other members of the team is must to combine the individual efforts of the team to make the successful team effort. This will be determined with my individual characteristics & the capacity to lead (Algert, 2006).
Now I will make an assessment to outline the success & failure of me as the team leader. It will help me to make the recommendations to improve my skills as the team leader.
My attitude toward the people who work in my team is positive. I feel the member of my team always perfect to do the job which is requires achieving the team objectives. My value toward the work is that well established procedure should be followed accurately to achieve the project objectives. I like to follow collaborating approach to work avoiding the emphasizing on the personal gain. Sometimes I fail to communicate with the members within a stressful situation.

Ability to work with other members is very high in a word. As a team leader my team role is to co-ordinate the efforts of all the members to make a fruitful team effort to achieve team objectives and the goals (Algert, 2006).
Based on the above findings, I will make further planning for the development of the skills and capability of myself.

Theories related to my understanding:

For the successful team management to achieve the project or organizational objective there is no alternative but efficient leadership on the project or organization was the central understanding of the previous part. It is possible to dream the successful outcome from the team efforts without proper leadership (Tuckman, 2002). The job design, team building and development of the team members are the important factors for the successful leadership practices (Adair, 1966). With the capacity to collect people, the successful leadership will also include the proper use, development & co-ordination of the skills of remembers are require to achieve team objectives (Palmer, 1965). Clear objective & approaches accountability & successful co-operations can make the better result in the team (Katzenbach & Smith, 1993). Goal orientation will be the most effective weapon for the goal achievement (Lewin, 1948).

My interaction with team members:

In the process of the interaction with team members, three types of common interaction are available. First: the positive interactions which enable the team leader to make constructive communication and co-operation with the team members. Second: negative interaction which recognize the leader oppressors to the team members to deal with them. At last: the neutral interaction means the interactions which makes no influence over the team members as there are no influencing or controlling taken by the leader to control the team member’s actions.
In case of me, to control the team and to deal with the team members I am quite deliberate to deal with the team members. So I can recognize me as the positive team leaderI, to perform the team work, welcome active the participation of the team members to contribute in the team decision. So, here I will declare myself as the tram player not loaner. 


My uniqueness in the leading the project:

To lead a team successfully, it is important for every leader to make the unique & special approach to deal with his/her team as the objective, demand, success factors and aspect of all team are not same. On the other hand, in highly competitive global market, to be sustained, there is no alternative to deal with the team strategically to exert the best efforts of the team members to achieve the team objective. I am in the project to grow the sales within my store with the help of team efforts; I require handling my team strategically. My specialty in my leadership as the project manager is that I consider the team members as the integral part of the entire project body not my subordinate. I follow the co-operative style to enable the participation of my team members. Not only that but also it highly motivate my members. I avoid being to practice dictatorship as i want to be deliberate to handle my team. I feel more learning from the member provide me the best options for the development and effectiveness of my team (Algert, 2006).

My performance:

To lead my team I was quite successful. The project objectives were to have the increased sales volume & to prevent the losing trend in sales in the store. Our team was hungry produce the significant growth in sales though preventing the losing trends in sales. From the analysis of our team performance to increase, I can recommend that we touched the target point. The recent report says that the sales volume of the store has significantly increased.
Behind this success, there is a systematic approach was taken by me. I analyse the current situation. Focusing the findings I set a standard for achieving the targeted sales. I make the team with the participation of the best people from the sales department and trained them to be perfect in achieving the goals of the project. I coordinate the efforts of the members of the team. At last the findings are compared with performance standard. If there is any visible dispersion, I will take the necessary steps to redeem it. In this way I managed the change (Raudsepp, 2002).

Recommendations to develop myself:

In dealing the team, I am quite successful. But there are some opportunities to maximize the success of my team. For that I have to make myself enable to support the more strategic approaches to lead my team. I am not with the adequate skills to exert the best effort my team still now. My leadership skills require some developments steps. The recommendations will be following to enhance my leadership skills (Raudsepp, 2002):
In my team, my image is highly easy going which sometimes makes my team members to disobey my orders & wants more relaxation. This is a big treat to have the better performance. For that reason, I have to improve my controlling skill as the team leader.
One major problem in my leadership skill is that I am highly process oriented. This process orientation sometimes makes my team members less productive and less innovative. For achievement of the project objective, I require to be target oriented which will enable me to produce high productivity & high innovation within my team. It will ensure the maximum utilization of the capacity of the members.


In this assignment, I have made an analysis on the current business current changed business situation. I have find out that how the team and group within the current business situation contributing to achieve the business success. I have shown the difference team and group, their aspects & their suitability. I have recognized my team as the team. Based on the analysis I have traced out the success of me as the team leader as well as the project success. I have analysed my level of capacity as a leader. Based on the analysis I have made recommendation about where & how I will make the development. 

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